1 Nephi 1-10

Did you watch the Book of Mormon videos as you read through the scriptures over the last two weeks? I thought they were excellent, but we have to be a bit careful to remember what is actually in the scriptures, and what is assumed from the video. So for example, the video shows Lehi instructing Laman and Lemuel to remove all the gold goblets and trinkets from the camel's saddlebag, whereas the scripture only says "he left his house, and the land of his inheritance, and his gold, and his silver, and his precious things". It doesn't say that Laman and Lemuel wanted to take them. Getting the Records I love that the opening chapters of the Book of Mormon, which are doubtless the most read chapters of all, given how many people start reading it but don't get beyond the Isaiah sections, tell us immediately how important the scriptures are. When Lehi departs into the wilderness he takes only the essentials, but he soon has to send his sons back to get something vital the...