Acts 21-28
A shift has taken place when we start reading these chapters. The word "we" appears frequently in chapter 21 which tells us that our author, Luke, the Greek doctor, has joined Paul and his group. (The word "we" first appears in Chapter 20 - when they are in Greece.) This is significant because it reminds us that at least this part of the book of Acts is first-hand reporting. The author actually witnessed and was part of the events he writes about. Not only that, but since he spent so much time with the people involved, we can safely assume that even the events he records prior to chapter 20, and after Luke parts company with Paul, can be relied on. Those involved would have talked about them to Luke. In 21:4 & 11 Paul is told not to go to Jerusalem, first by the disciples "through the spirit" and then by Agabus, the prophet, who warns that he will be captured if he goes there. But Paul goes anyway. Why? Well, if there's one part of Paul's ...